Sunday, December 12, 2010

JPCSP software All U need

Tools need to optimal your JPCSP emulator :

JPCSP r1906 mediafire
Jdk-6u23 (for win32) Direct or Oracle website
SoniStage (Soni Player no online install ready, Pass: nysalnysal) Mediafire or IDWS
UMDGen (to costumize PSP iso) IDWS or Ziddu
xpert2 (to extrack PSP data) Mediafire
renamer (simple program easy to rename folder Pass: nysal) IDWS or Ziddu
tmptool (I have combine 3 program on it, Pass: nysal) IDWS or Ziddu
JPCSP Louncer (to improve JPCSP performance) Mediafire
Xpadder (To Play with Joystick) Mediafire

we will update if there is new tool to make JPCSP more funny, Stay Tune !!!



  1. u should make the link open in new windows.. so this post not close

  2. hey dude, can you help me?
    I was already download kamen rider climax heroes 000 psp.iso from this thread (, and I'm also already donwload Jdk-6u23 (for win32) from link above, but unfortunately, I can't playing it.

    can you give me tutorial for play this game?
    I'll be gratefully....

  3. mau lapor nih, sonistage yang dari IDWS kok pas ane extract malah rusak.
    tolong upload yg baru yg gak berpassword dong.

  4. setuju sama ariandapan
    sonistage-nya ga bisa dibuka bro

  5. sonistage nya kagak bisa diinstal selalu terminated otomatis waktu install gan, kira2 salahnya di mana yach?
    thanks atas bantuannya

  6. IDWS Link for UMDGen doesn't work..
    can you replace it, please? I really need some direct link..

  7. ada tuturial untuk instalnya ga',
    minta ya,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  8. tutorial :
    link sonicstage torrent:

  9. Sy mohon bantuannya dong...
    Sy d/l JPCSP terbaru (r2367), sudah install java terbaru (JRE yang 7 bukan yang 6) dan supersonic yang linknya di blog ini. Kok ketika jalanin JPCSP (file .bat nya) tetep bilang javanya belum terinstall ya? Apa kalo yang terbaru malah ga bisa ya?

    Terima kasih.

  10. gan umdgen-nya kaga bisa di donlot...

  11. I too have problem in running the JPCSP (r2367).
    I've already installed the JDK, but as I execute the "start-windows-x86.bat", it said: The required version of Java has not been installed or isn't recognized.

    Is there any other thing that is need to be installed?
